Sonardyne Table Tennis League Table Tennis Ladder or League

London, United Kingdom
Club: Sonardyne Table Tennis League

You cannot be challenged if your status is set to 'away'.

The timezone is set to 'Greenwich Mean Time' which will affect the time set in your calendars and emails.

Challenges expire after 30 days after which it is forfeited and the challenger wins the match.

The challenger cannot challenge more than 30 places above their position.

Max Simultaneous Challenges: Two up, three down

The system may create a challenge for you if you are not in a challenge.

This competition has exceeded its limit. The lowest rank players are disabled.
W - L Tot Elo
1. David W.
10 - 0 10 1160
2. Rob T.
24 - 6 30 1153
3. Bradley V.
18 - 8 26 1143
4. Josh E.
18 - 6 24 1099
5. Fergus G.
4 - 0 4 1063
6. Darren S.
8 - 5 13 1035
7. Tua Y.
3 - 2 5 1017
8. duras
1 - 0 1 1016
9. Matt D.
8 - 9 17 1005
10. Thomas B.
0 - 0 0 1000
11. Tudor A.
0 - 0 0 1000
12. Tom K.
0 - 0 0 1000
13. flinn k.
1 - 1 2 999
14. Henry P.
3 - 4 7 988
15. Abdesslam L.
2 - 3 5 987
16. Richard C.
0 - 1 1 984
17. Dominic S.
2 - 3 5 981
18. Nia R.
0 - 3 3 978
19. Mick J.
4 - 5 9 977
20. Mark B.
1 - 2 3 970
21. Jamie P.
1 - 3 4 968
22. Laura A.
0 - 2 2 964
23. Robin K.
3 - 7 10 947
24. Ben F.
0 - 4 4 941
25. Ben C.
3 - 9 12 920
26. Laura P.
1 - 7 8 912
27. Dan S.
6 - 28 34 813