Tennis Ladder For Good People Tennis Ladder or League

Cambridge, United Kingdom

You cannot be challenged if your status is set to 'away'.

The timezone is set to 'Coordinated Universal Time' which will affect the time set in your calendars and emails.

Challenges expire after 21 days after which it is forfeited and the challenger wins the match.

The challenger cannot challenge more than 7 places above their position.

Max Simultaneous Challenges: Two up, two down

W - L Tot
1.   Tony T.
7 - 3 10
2. Tony B.
31 - 13 49
3. Pete S.
8 - 4 12
4. musty M.
13 - 4 20
5. Pavel Z.
10 - 10 21
6. Mike S.
32 - 67 101
7.   Carlo I.
12 - 4 19
8. Jack g.
3 - 0 4
9. David B.
8 - 4 16
10. vinnie t.
18 - 31 56
11. Alessandro
12 - 17 31
12.   Tim M.
21 - 1 22
13. Rob P.
8 - 2 13
14. John N.
22 - 15 38
15. Ed W.
2 - 2 6
16. Marc R.
7 - 6 15
17. Antonio R.
0 - 4 5
18. Yuri V.
5 - 17 23
19. Caleb S.
1 - 1 2
20. Iñaki A.
3 - 1 5
21. Thiago A.
1 - 4 5
22. neeth p.
0 - 0 2
23. Vasilis A.
2 - 0 4
24.   Rondee J.
2 - 1 3
25. James G.
0 - 0 1
26. Fernan O.
0 - 0 0
27. Juneho U.
0 - 0 1
28. Natalia S.
0 - 1 1
29. Mohsen
0 - 1 2
30. Marcos G.
0 - 0 0
31. Konstantinos K.
0 - 0 1
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11 hours ago
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cancelled by Alessandro Didiano : Other
1 days ago
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3 days ago
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cancelled by Pavel Zhurauski : Unable to contact opponent
3 days ago
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4 days ago